Cats are masters of hiding their emotions, but when they’re unhappy or scared, you can bet that they’re letting you know.
If your cat is suddenly becoming aggressive, there might be a reason – and it’s not always due to bad moods. Here are five common causes of aggression in cats, and what you can do to prevent them from happening.
What to do if your cat is suddenly aggressive

If you’re one of the countless cat owners who has never experienced aggression from their pet, odds are you’re in the minority. Aggression is a common problem among cats, and it can be caused by a variety of factors. Here are some tips on how to deal with a cat that’s suddenly become aggressive:
– Talk to your veterinarian. It’s possible that your cat is experiencing some sort of medical issue that’s causing them to act out. Your veterinarian may be able to suggest some treatments or medication that can help ease the aggression.
– Get your cat involved in activities they enjoy. A bored cat will likely become agitated and aggressive. Try giving them toys they can play with inside or outside, or set up a scratching post for them to sharpen their claws on. If things aren’t working, consider enrolling them in a class on proper cat care.
– Keep your cat safe. If your cat is attacking other animals or humans, take steps to keep them safe by putting up barriers such as screens or fences around them, and installing an alarm system if necessary.
Causes of aggression in cats
There are a number of reasons why your cat might suddenly become aggressive. Some of the most common causes are outlined below, but there are many others that can cause aggression in cats.
Boredom – When your cat isn’t getting the attention it wants or needs, they may become aggressive to get your attention. This can be especially true if they’re used to being the center of your attention and when that changes, they may become resentful and lash out.
Fear – If your cat is constantly feeling unsafe or threatened, it may lash out in an attempt to defend itself. This could be due to something happening outside ( for example, a strange dog walking by), or it could be a fear based on their own personality (a high-strung cat who is prone to anxiety may become aggressive when confronted with another animal).
Hormonal Changes – Cats go through hormonal changes every month, and sometimes these changes can lead to aggression. This is especially true during the transition phase from heat to cold (between seasons), when cats are trying to assert their dominance over their territory.
Tips for handling an aggressive cat

If your cat is suddenly becoming aggressive, there are a few things you can do to try and calm them down. First, take a step back and assess the situation.
Is your cat reacting to something specific in your environment, or is their aggression more generalized? If it’s the former, you can try to figure out what’s triggering their anger.
For example, if they’re normally very passive around people but start attacking when someone comes into the room, it might be because they’re scared of those particular people. If it’s the latter, then you might need to try some different strategies to get them under control.
One thing you can do is try to lock them away in a room or crate for a while. This will help them calm down and focus on themselves rather than on the environment around them.
You can also use soothing phrases and make sure they have plenty of toys and food to keep them occupied. Another option is to train your cat using positive reinforcement techniques.
This will teach them that behaving in a desired manner is rewarded, which should hopefully make them more likely to comply in future situations where aggression may be necessary.
How to prevent aggression in cats
There are a few things you can do to prevent your cat from becoming aggressive. First, make sure they have plenty of toys and playtime.
This will keep them amused and less likely to become agitated. If your cat is already aggressive, try to get them spayed or neutered.
This will help control their breeding habits and may help to calm them down. Finally, try to keep your home clean and organized, which will make them feel more secure.
There could be a number of reasons why your cat is suddenly becoming aggressive, but to get to the bottom of it, you will need to take her to the vet. In the meantime, here are some tips on how to deal with an aggressive cat:
1. Make sure your home is safe for her – make sure all potential danger zones such as high places or areas where she might fall are closed off so that she cannot escape.
2. Try giving her treats and toys that she loves – this will help distract her from any anger that she may be feeling and make it easier for you to handle the situation if it does become violent.
3. Speak softly and calmly to her – avoid yelling or stressing out your cat, as this only makes things worse.