If you’ve ever wondered why cats wag their tails while lying down, now you know! According to a study published in the journal Physiology & Behavior, when felines are resting, their tails help circulate blood and keep them cool.
The cat’s tail has blood vessels that break up the surface tension of water, allowing it to circulate and cool down. The tail also helps make cat burps less noxious!
Cats wag their tails when they are relaxed or happy

Cats naturally wag their tails when they are happy or relaxed. This action helps to keep them cool and ensures that they are seen by potential prey.
However, if a cat is startled or afraid it will instinctively pull its tail between its legs and hold it tightly.
The more scared the cat is, the tighter its tail will be held. However, if a cat is startled or afraid it will instinctively pull its tail between its legs and hold it tightly. The more scared the cat is, the tighter its tail will be held.
When a cat tries to cover up an unpleasant smell with their urine, they do not just spray wherever they happen to be standing; instead, cats give their urine preference. to certain areas. For cats, this is usually their favorite litter box.
Cats may wag their tails when they want to get your attention
Cats may wag their tails when they are happy, sad, scared or trying to get your attention. When cats wag their tails, the movement is usually from the base of the tail up to the tip. Cats usually do this when they are relaxed and feel safe.
If a cat is startled or afraid it will instinctively pull its tail between its legs and hold it tightly. The more scared the cat is, the tighter its tail will be held. However, cats may also wag their tails while playing or while they are excited. .The number of vertebrae in a cat’s spine is 28 (most mammals have between 26 and 33).
Cats have flexible spines that can bend slightly backward and forward, allowing them to turn their heads 270 degrees. Cats are believed to have a more sensitive sense of smell than humans. Domestic cats in the UK outweigh their wild relatives by a ratio of two to one.
Cats have excellent hearing and a sense of balance. Cats can jump distances up to 9 times their body length, which is the equivalent of a human jumping 90 feet or a tower block. Cats have been domesticated for over one thousand years and are kept as pets in at least 95% of the world’s households.
Cats may wag their tails to clean themselves

When a cat is lying down, it may wag their tails to clean itself. This activity is often seen as a sign of contentment and relaxation. Cats constantly clean themselves with their tongues At times, cats lick themselves from head to tail.
They use this method of cleaning because they are not equipped with sweat glands and cannot sweat. Sweat would normally help rid the body of dirt and germs.
This licking process also acts as a form of self-cleaning. When cats are licking themselves, they are also cleaning their teeth and gums. This activity is seen as a sign of happiness for the cat.
A cat’s perception of sound is based on its hearing ability, which is estimated to be between 12–16 kHz. Kittens and young cats tend to hear higher frequencies than older cats. Cats may perceive high frequency sounds such as humans talking at a greater
Cats may wag their tails to cool down
Some people think that cats wag their tails when they’re lying down because it helps them cool down. Other people think that cats wag their tails because they’re happy. Whichever reason you think cats wag their tails, it’s definitely a cute phenomenon!
People also think that cats wag their tails when they’re mad. However, one reason for this is that cats tend to lash out with their tail when they’re feeling threatened or unsafe, and the other reason is because of territorial behavior.
A cat’s tail can be used as a tool in some cases: you might use your cat’s tail to swat a mouse or rat. It is also thought that the cat’s tail could help balance the animal while it moves on four legs.
Cats have had domestication very early in their lifetime and they are popular pets although cats do not always make good pets.
This is because cats tend to be independent of humans and unless properly cared for, they can become aggressive with other people or animals.